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4 Reasons You Might Want to Hire Real Estate Agent to Help You Sell Your Home in Detroit ([market_zip]

Are you thinking about selling your Detroit house? Then you might be weighing the possibility of working with an agent to sell. That’s why we’ve written this blog post… to share 4 reasons you might want to hire real estate agent to help you sell your home in Detroit.

Selling a house can seem very complicated, which is why many people trust a real estate to help them. But admittedly, there are other options to sell your house (and many prefer to sell on their own or sell directly to a house-buying company like us here at Sell Inherited House Detroit.) But, if you’re thinking about selling your house and maybe getting the help of a real estate agent, then here are 4 reasons you might want to hire real estate agent to help you sell your home in Detroit.

4 Reasons You Might Want To Hire Real Estate Agent To Help You Sell Your Home In Detroit

Reason #1. Simple

Selling a house can be complicated. You’ve got to deal buyers, banks, and attorneys; there are contracts and clauses and negotiations; and, sometimes it’s hard to know what order to do things in. An agent can help simplify the process because that’s what they do! They help people buy and sell houses for a living. They have the contracts and agreements and know their way around them. It just makes things so much simpler.

Reason #2. Hands-off

Some folks who choose to sell their house themselves (called “For Sale By Owner” or FSBO) find out pretty quickly that selling this way can be very busy. You’ll end up scheduling buyers to walk through the house, you’ll be busy marketing your house all over town, and you’ll be learning on the fly and negotiating on the fly… all while trying to juggle your regular life. A real estate agent makes it simple and hands-off for you.

Reason #3. Potentially Higher Price

One of the biggest reasons why people choose to sell with the help of an agent (versus selling on their own) is the potential for a higher price. In theory, agents are expert negotiators who can figure out the best price to sell the house for and then can negotiate on your behalf to get the buyer to pay as much as possible. Selling other ways may not result in as much money (however, there are other reasons why people may not use an agent.)

Reason #4. Sell To A Homeowner

Maybe you want to sell and you don’t like the thought of your home being renovated and rented out, or torn down. After all, you have a lot of emotions attached to this house. Some people don’t care what happens to a house after they sell it but if you’d prefer to sell to a homeowner (versus an investor) then selling to an agent will increase the likelihood of that happening.


There are many ways to sell a house – sometimes with an agent and sometimes without. However if selling your house seems too complicated than these are 4 reasons you might want to hire real estate agent to help you sell your home in Detroit. It’s not right for everyone… but it’s at least worth looking into before you decide one way or the other.

At Sell Inherited House Detroit, we also buy houses! If you still want an offer from us, or if you want to meet an agent that we recommend, click here now and fill out the form or call our team at (248) 460-1606

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