Returns on Detroit Real Estate – What You Can Expect

Building a good investment portfolio requires diversity!  This is likely to be the first piece of advice anyone new to the market will hear. Diversify! While you can forge into the investment world on your own, it is wise to turn to the mentors in your life for input. You may instead wish to seek … Continued

5 Ways To Quickly Get A Down Payment for Detroit Real Estate

Looking to purchase a house right now? Here are some ways to quickly get a down payment for Detroit real estate.  Low Down Payment Mortgages There are a few programs to help first time home buyers that require very little down payment in regards to the total purchase price. This option will get you to … Continued

5 Questions To Ask Before Buying A Condo In Detroit

Are you thinking about buying a condo in Detroit? Here are some questions to ask yourself before making the purchase! Whether you are buying a condo for yourself or as an investment, there are a few things to consider before buying. You don’t want to find yourself stuck in the wrong place or in the … Continued
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